The European Commission requests a second scientific opinion on Hydroxyapatite (nano) based on new evidence provided by industry
Following a previous SCCS conclusion on the safety of Hydroxyapatite (nano) when used at concentrations up to 10 % in toothpaste, and up to 0.465 % in mouthwash regarding rod-shaped Hydroxyapatite (nano) particles (see SCCS opinion Hydroxyapatite March 2023), industry has provided new evidence on the safety of Hydroxyapatite (nano) which now...
Malta Initiative survey on priorities for making OECD TGs/GDs applicable for nano and advanced materials
The Malta Initiative just launched a survey to collect input on priorities where OECD Test Guidelines (TGs) and Guidance Documents (GDs) need actions to make them applicable for nanomaterials and (other) advanced materials, i.e. materials that come with specific properties and behaviour due to their size, shape and structure. You are invited to...
NIA at CEN/352 Nanotechnologies and Chemcon 2023
During October 2023 the NIA Regulatory Affairs Director attended the CEN/352 Nanotechnologies meeting hosted in BSI (UK) where the status of the different CEN preliminary working items was presented and discussed and new ideas put forwards, regarding future standard needs from the Nanotechnology sector. The NIA remains open to new ideas from...
NIA supports new online tool for chemical testing standards
A new freely available web based platform that the NIA helped developed will aid scientists developing and using internationally accepted testing standards for chemicals and nanomaterials. The OECD publishes internationally agreed and accepted standard methods for the safety testing of chemicals and nanomaterials. Under the OECD Mutual Acceptance...
EUON report on NAMs for nanomaterials available
The EUON report on NAMs for nanomaterials is available . This report is particularly useful to stakeholders wishing to explore nano-specific NAMs for regulatory purposes in human safety assessment. The report identified 220 NAMs of which only 8 were nano-specific, calling for more research on NAMs applicable to the nanosize. The report also...
NIA at the WPMN23
The NIA attended the WPMN 23 meeting at the OECD in Paris from 26-28 June where updates were presented and step foward actions discussed regarding the adaptation of OECD guidelines to nanomaterials, together with the status of the OECD SG on SSIA and on AdMa. The released updated guidelines were the OECD TG 126 on the Determination of the...
NIA at The Advanced Materials Show
The Advanced Materials Show was held in June at the NEC, Birmingham (UK) over 2 days. Co-located with The Advanced Ceramics Show, Battery Cells and Systems Show and The Vehicle Electrification Show, the trade show attracted around 3,500 delegates. The NIA was well represented at the show, with the NIA itself having a stand on which it was joined...
SSbD JRC Technical report - Application of the SSbD Framework to case studies
On 15th June 2023 the JRC released the first application of the European Commission (EC) Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework in a case study, in particular on plasticisers in food contact material. This work was performed by the EC’s Joint Research Centre (Ispra). Lessons learned include the challenge due to lack of publicly available...
New version of the Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials
The Federal Office of Public Health in Switzerland has just released a new version of the Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials.
The UK’s Leading Advanced Technology & Innovation Show Returns to the NEC
Four shows combine to showcase the very latest advanced technologies and innovations within battery technology, electric vehicles, advanced materials and technical ceramics at the NEC in June.
NIA at the EuroNanoForum 2023
EuroNanoForum 2023 was held recently in Lund under the Swedish Presidency of the European Council. Held every two years, the event brings together European Commission policymakers with the wider nano community from academia and industry. Landon Mertz, NIA Chair and CEO of US company Cerion Nanomaterials, was invited to give a keynote presentation...
NIA attends nanoSAFE 2023 & Nanoweek
NIA’s Interim Director General, Sean Kelly, recently attended the bi-annual nanoSAFE conference, which this year was also held in conjunction with the EU NanoSafety Cluster's Nanoweek. Organised by NIA member CEA, the nanoSAFE conference is held every two years in Grenoble, with this year’s being the 8th edition. 
Release of the Guidance on the implementation of the Commission Recommendation 2022/C 229/01 on the definition of nanomaterial
On 2nd May the Commission released the much-awaited Guidance on how to test for nanomaterials following the new recommendation of a definition (2022/C 229/01) adopted by the European Commission in 2022. The guidance builds from the two JRC Science for Policy Reports EUR 29647 and EUR 29942 and provides an overview of key terms and concepts, a...
Update on the SCCS Notes of Guidance for the testing of cosmetics ingredients including nanomaterials
The 12th revision of the SCCS Notes of Guidance for the testing of cosmetics ingredients and their safety evaluation was released on 16th May 2023. This update includes a throughout review on the use of NAMs and AOPs in the evaluation of the safety assessment of cosmetics, as well as a description of New Generation Risk Assessment Approaches...
Extension of the closing date of the declaration regarding the R-Nano Registry granted till 31 May 2023
An extension of the closing date of the declaration regarding the R-Nano Registry has been granted till 31 May 2023   For the 2023 reporting year, it is required to provide the updated characterisation methods for substances, following the updated mandatory fields and the characterisation analytical methods listed in the form.   More...