Vireo Advisors, LLC is dedicated to advancing the commercialization of safe, sustainable technologies, materials and products. We bring international scientific and regulatory expertise to work with organizations seeking the best evidence to support decision making about emerging advanced technologies, materials and products, developing safety strategies for novel, bio-based and nanoscale technology development and innovation in global markets.
As a leader in state-of-the-art safety demonstration approaches, we provide guidance on international regulatory planning and required testing, perform safety evaluations and help identify and meet sustainability requirements for certification. We also provide independent third-party opinions, and organize consortia to collaborate on pre-commercial safety and toxicology studies. Our diverse expertise includes bio-based substance evaluations, health and environmental aspects of nanotechnology, life cycle risk analysis, international regulatory and market requirements and toxicology, as well as analytical chemistry, climate and water issues, environmental and energy issues and sustainability assessments.
Vireo Advisors collaborates with leading and emerging public and private organizations that work proactively on responsible innovation. We use tools such as life cycle risk analysis to guide data development requirements that meet twenty-first century requirements for product performance. Our work connects the dots between technical performance and societal expectations.
Vireo Advisors, LLC
Boston, MA USA
+1 508 612 8807