GAIKER Technology Centre, based in the Basque Country, is a research institute offering innovative technological solutions for corporations. Established as a foundation in 1985, the institute’s expertise includes biotechnology, sustainable composites, and functional polymers. In addition to R&D projects, its staff also provides technological consultancy and advisory services to clients in fields such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, human and animal health, engineering, automotive, construction and packaging. In the nanotechnology domain, GAIKER has a large experience in the application and development of standard in vitro-based technologies to assist Safe-by-design (SbD) of nanomaterials and nano-based products, and for the Risk Assessment (RA) of nanomaterials, nano- and microplastics.
For further information, please visit http://www.gaiker.es/ing/index.aspx.
GAIKER Technology Centre
Parque Tecnológico, Edificio 202
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia), SPAIN