Scientific, Environmental, human health and global regulatory services
Yordas Group (formerly The REACH Centre) is a leading provider of scientific, environmental, human health, and global regulatory consulting services. They have international capability with supporting offices and representation in North America, Asia and Europe, and commercial activities across 40 countries.
Delivering innovative solutions for business, industry and government, Yordas continues to create value and sustainability for their clients. The key sectors they serve include Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Chemical, Agrochemical, Oil & Gas, and Mining. Crosscutting themes such as Sustainability, Product Stewardship, Chemical Notification Systems, Environmental Permitting, and Waste Management are within the broad portfolio of services they provide to their customers.
Yordas is involved in a number of national and international projects on nanotechnologies, looking both at scientific and regulatory aspects. TRC is also involved in research projects in collaboration with Lancaster University, looking at the fate & behaviour of nanoparticles in the environment and developing intelligent testing strategies for a robust risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles.
Lancaster Environment Centre,
Lancaster University, Lancaster
Lancashine, LA1 4YQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1524 510278
Email: info@yordasgroup.com