It is part of NIA's core mission to support the development of a robust regulatory framework and it works across sectors, countries and organisations.  Activities include:

Global Regulatory Monitoring

The NIA team tracks regulatory developments at National, European and Global level.  It informs Members of developments and likely impact on their activities through regular newsletters (Regulatory Digest, Member News), quarterly webinars on regulatory priorities and ​ad hoc​ webinars when required for specific issues.


NIA responds to regulatory consultations from national, EU and international levels in order to reflect Member and industry concerns and priorities.  NIA prepares draft papers, disseminates and discusses these fully with Members and creates a final response for submission. 

​Committee and stakeholder activities

NIA sits within a number of committees and working groups at EU and global level.  Through these groups, it represents industry priorities for long term regulatory and standards development and shares outcomes and requests for information with Members.  Groups include:

  • Full Member of BSI/NTI1 committee - participation in CEN, ISO and IEC committees
  • Liaison Member at international level for ISO/TC 229
  • Liaison Member at regional level for CEN/TC 352
  • Representation in European Commission CARACAL Competent Authority Sub-Group, CASG-nano
  • ECHA NanoMaterials Expert Group, ECHA NMEG
  • Stakeholder to ECHA and European Authority on Food Safety (EFSA)

​Regulatory Committee

The NIA’s newly formed Regulatory Committee held its first meeting on 6 June 2024 with members from across Europe and the USA attending. The Regulatory Committee is the first outcome from the NIA’s strategy review and has been formed to assess and address any global regulatory  issue, regulation or standard that is current or proposed that may have a bearing on nanomaterials or the interests of NIA members. Meeting quarterly, the Committee is an opportunity for NIA Members to guide the NIA’s activities around regulations. 


​For more information on any activity and how to become involved as a Member, please visit our Membership page or contact sean.kelly[at]



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