The annual quantity of raw nanoscale materials is estimated to be around 11.5 million tonnes, where carbon black and amorphous silica accounts for about 9.6 million tonnes (85 %) and 1.5 million tonnes (12 %) respectiely. The remaining 3 % are nanomaterials made from e.g. aluminium oxide, barium titanate, titanium dioxide, cerium oxide and zinc oxide. Carbon nanotubes, graphene and fullerenes have annual production amounts in the hundred tonnes range. Nanosilver is estimated to be produced in about 20 tonnes per year.
The EU Regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals – REACH (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006) is the European integrated approach for managing chemicals. Under REACH, industry is responsible for both assessing and managing the risks posed by chemicals, and for providing appropriate safety information to users.
Nanomaterials are classified as chemical substances under REACH. Therefore manufacturers, importers and downstream users of nanomaterials have to comply with the REACH requirements.
Support for NIA Members:
NIA has a number of activities in relation to Chemicals and Raw materials. For more information go to NIA Support in Chemicals and Raw Materials or to the NIA REACH-nano Representation.