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Search results

  1. Safe- and sustainable-by-design workshop: outcome and next steps

    On February 9-10, NIA was among the stakeholders invited to participate in the Commission and ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  2. Reading suggestion: the implications of the SSbD approach for nanomaterials

    ... the area of SSbD, including the SUSNANOFAB project of which NIA is a partner. It can be consulted at this link . ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  3. Call for proposals on carbon nanotubes degradation protocol

    On behalf of Zeon Corporation, NIA is launching a call for expressions of interest for the development of ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  4. Biodegradation, SbD surveys open for EUON/ECHA study

    ... As part of the work, which is being carried out by NIA member NovaMechanics, two surveys are currently open for companies' input. ... and will have the opportunity to request early access to the final report. There is also the option to provide information via an interview ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  5. European Commission releases Strategic Research and Innovation Plan for safe and sustainable chemicals and materials

    ... consultation; we are glad to see that points raised by NIA were retained in the final document, notably on the importance of OECD Test Guidelines (TGs) for ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  6. EUON publishes study on the European nanomaterial market

    ... over the 2021-2025 period. The study, carried out by NIA member Novamechanics, looks at the EU (plus EEA countries and Switzerland) ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  7. EUON publishes study on nanomaterials biodegradation, persistence, and safe-by-design

    ... relates to degradation and persistence. Carried out by NIA member Novamechanics, the study found that work in this field has mainly ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  8. New nanomaterials papers: Sustainable Development Goals, Safe- and sustainable-by-design

    ... Goals (SDGs). The paper, co-authored among others by NIA member the Nano Institute of Sydney University, argues that nanotechnology ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  9. EU Commission opens consultation for nanomaterial definition review

    ... for the long-anticipated revision of the EU nanomaterial definition has started, with the Commission announcing a targeted ... work. In anticipation of the revision announcement, NIA has already carried out a survey to collect members' views, and will be ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39

  10. ACEnano project releases publication on sample preparation optimization for nanomaterials analysis

    NIA member Vitrocell are among the co-authors of a publication ...

    News - Anonymous (not verified) - 04/05/2023 - 09:39