NIA presents nano in the context of 'Advanced Materials' at OECD online conference
As part of the OECD/German Environment Agency June 16 workshop 'Advanced materials - online conferences. Identification of action needs on chemical safety - Approaches for structuring the field, prioritisation and assessment', NIA presented a snapshot position from industry, when considering the terminology 'Advanced Materials'.
CARACAL meeting addresses nanoform dossier updates
A shortened online CARACAL meeting at the end of March addressed the submission of nanomaterials dossiers following the REACH Annex update which came into force on January 1st, 2020.
France establishes inventory of nanomaterials in food - nano-specific risk report in 2021
 Anses, the French National Agency for Food, Environmental, and Occupational Health Safety, has published an inventory of 37 manufactured substances determined to have particles at the nanoscale present in food, originating through additives or exposed through contact materials.  The inventory will be used to establish health risks for consumers,...
RAC backs restricting intentional uses of microplastics - no lower size limit proposed
RAC has adopted its opinion on ECHA’s proposal to restrict the use of microplastics that are intentionally added to products on the EU/EEA market, in concentrations of more than 0.1 % weight by weight.  
NIA launches survey 'Advanced Materials': Terminology and relevance to nanomaterials
There is increasing policy focus on the term ‘Advanced Materials’, with national governments and international frameworks starting to discuss potential safety and regulatory implications.  This is a conversation that needs clear industrial input and must avoid the assumption that ‘Advanced Materials’ are already recognised by industry as a...
Webinar Scale up of nanomaterials manufacture now available on YouTube
Our latest webinar Scale up of nanomaterials manufacture is now available on YouTube. Watch it here.
NIA and ECETOC host joint webinar to introduce the ECETOC NanoApp
NIA was delighted to work together with ECETOC in hosting a webinar for Members to introduce ECETOC's new NanoApp.  The service will support the creation and justification of nanoform sets, in compliance with recommendations from ECHA Guidance. The App is in late development, with NIA and ECETOC Members able to sign up as testers, before a more...
Promethean Particles puts its nano-copper to the test in the fight against viruses
Pioneering UK manufacturer, Promethean Particles (‘Promethean’), is collaborating with textile companies and leading research facilities to explore the anti-viral effects of its novel copper nanoparticles designed for use in fabrics and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the healthcare sector.
Nanoforms in REACH: NIA, Cefic and Eurometaux members share webinar with ECHA
100 Members of NIA, Cefic and Eurometaux came together with ECHA in a two hour webinar deficated to implementation of the REACh Annex Updates for nanoforms, as part of ECHA's ongoing support for roll of out for this significant regulatory change in chemicals. The webinar included a review from the European Commission on changes since the January...
NIA Member Promethean Particles featured in 'Speciality Chemicals' magazine
 Busy NIA Member Promethian Particles features in the current issue of 'Speciality Chemicals' magazine, looking at the challenges of getting nanomaterials into increasingly complex supply chains.
ECHA launches EU Chemicals Legislation Finder
ECHA has launched the EUCLEF platform, through which  information on 40 pieces of EU chemicals legislation can now be accessed.  Companies can use EUCLEF to navigate through the EU chemicals legislative framework and find relevant information on how their substances are regulated across the EU. It is intended to support SMEs in particular and the...
New publication of the JRC about the definition of nanomaterials by the European Commission
The JRC of the European Commission has recently published a new policy report providing a an overview of concepts and terms used in the European Commission's definition of nanomaterial. Read the full report HERE
NIA's Regulatory Monitoring Database updated
NIA's Global Regulatory Monitoring Database has been updated to reflect important updates from REACH and other regulatory frameworks within the EU.  Updates for Members include:
EUON published NIA nanopinion: 'Nanoplastics' - it's a name game
NIA is pleased to have contributed the Nanopinion 'Nanoplastics' - it's a name game, published on the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON).
TRGS 527 'Activities with Nanomaterials' published in english version by BAuA
Germany's Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has published an english version of the Technical Rule for Hazardous Substance (TRGS) 527 'Activities with Nanomaterials'.  The TRGS address technology, occupational safety and health, and occupational hygiene, with the Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS) establishing the...
NIA welcomes new Associate Member Covance CPC Regulatory Consultancy
NIA is delighted to welcome it's first Associate Member from the contract research organisation (CRO) community, critical actors in successful nanomaterials market access and uptake.  Covance CPC Regulatory Consultancy is part of the global CRO company Covance, which is involved in facilitating novel medicines to market.
NIA welcomes new Corporate Member Talga Technologies
NIA is delighted to welcome Talga Technologies as a new Corporate Member.  Talga Technologies undertakes product research and  development for Talga, an advanced material company headquartered in Perth, Western Australia.
ECHA hosts webinar 'Registering nanoforms – practical advice': Recording available plus annotated Q&As for NIA Members
NIA took part in the ECHA-hosted webinar “Registering nanoforms: practical advice”, hosted in response to the, according to ECHA, relatively low number of REACH dossier updates on January 1 for nanoforms, and the quality of information in the dossiers submitted. This will be part of more actions in 2020 to help support the successful completion of...
NanoSafety Cluster Winter Newsletter published
The NanoSafety Cluster, representing major H2020 projects in nanosafety, published its Winter News today, with NIA and its projects featuring in this edition. 
‘Nanoplastics’ terminology in focus - Position Paper from NIA
Thursday February 13, 2020: The Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) brings a spotlight to increasing use of the term ‘Nanoplastics’ in reporting of plastics, primarily within an environmental context, reflecting increasing concern on the use and inappropriate disposal of plastics.