Global Regulatory Working Group meeting

Event Dates: 
21 Feb 2018
Event Venue: 

NIA is pleased to host a webinar as part of its Global Regulatory Working Group.

This webinar, for Members only, will focus on the directory of nanomaterial definitions under development, plus the agreement on a nanoforms grouping problem statement.  These tasks are part of the 2018 Working Group priorities and will be reported in full at the Annual Symposium on April 10 in Brussels.


Global Regulatory Working Group meeting

Event Dates: 
25 Jan 2018
Event Venue: 

NIA is pleased to host a webinar as part of its Global Regulatory Working Group.

This webinar, for Members only, will focus on the directory of nanomaterial definitions under development, plus the agreement on a nanoforms grouping problem statement.  These tasks are part of the 2018 Working Group priorities and will be reported in full at the Annual Symposium on April 10 in Brussels.

Business and Scientific Networking

NIA uses its position as a cross sector industries association, plus its base in Brussels, to leverage maximum collaborative and knowledge exchange opportunities for Members.​​

Networking between Members

NIA Members are cross-sectoral and span the whole value chain, from university research through to products in the market from SMEs and large companies.  NIA works to maximise knowledge exchange across Members through mechanisms including: