Total-NanoSafe International Conference

Event Dates: 
11 Nov 2021 to 12 Nov 2021
Event Venue: 
Online event

The ‘Total-Nanosafe Conference’ is bringing experts in different fields related to the use of nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and environment.

There will be experts talking about nanotoxicology, organ-on-a-chip, cheminformatics, public health and environment, among the main topics. 

Graphene Week

Event Dates: 
20 Sep 2021 to 24 Sep 2021
Event Venue: 
Virtual event

Graphene Week is Europe's Leading Graphene Conference. The virtual conference provides expert insights on all facets of graphene research and innovation. Keynotes, expert dialogs, panel and roundtable discussions and networking opportunities.

GRACIOUS project closing workshop

Event Dates: 
13 Sep 2021 to 14 Sep 2021
Event Venue: 
Online event

The GRACIOUS project is coming to an end. The Horizon 2020-funded project ran over the last three and a half years with the goal of developing an innovative science-based framework to enable the practical application of grouping, leading to read-across and classification of nanomaterials/nanoforms. Stakeholders, especially from SMEs, are now invited to join a two-day workshop on September 13-14 to learn more about the final project results and to participate in a training on the GRACIOUS tools and approaches.

A new toolbox for citizens protection: implementing science into EU policy

Event Dates: 
09 Sep 2021
Event Venue: 
Online Event

The European Commission’s Green Deal sets out highly ambitious targets for zero pollution leading to a toxic free environment. As part of this, a new Chemical’s Strategy for Sustainability has been adopted. Its implementation will require close collaboration between policymakers, scientists, industry and European citizens to help ensure that Europe remains both at the forefront of materials innovation and safe and sustainable chemicals production and use.

Next-generation approaches for nanomaterial human and environmental safety assessment: Results from the PATROLS project

Event Dates: 
21 Sep 2021
Event Venue: 
Online event

The PATROLS project, in which NIA is a partner, is coming to an end and we are looking forward to share the results with you. Join us September 21st to discover the next-generation approaches for nanomaterial human and environmental safety assessment that were created by the project. The meeting will cover the different outcomes and innovations produced by PATROLS. As well as how these tools will minimise the necessity of animal testing and will support future categorisation of ENMs in order to support safety framework.