Communicating about nanomaterials

Event Dates: 
19 Jan 2022
Event Venue: 
Online event

This event will discuss how and why nanomaterials and the relevant research are sometimes misrepresented in the media, and how this can negatively affect the sector.

We will hear from science and media experts on what researchers should keep in mind when addressing the broader public; how companies can address negative coverage and improve their communications strategies; and look at concrete examples of risk governance and communication developed in EU projects

NanoSolveIT Workshop

Event Dates: 
07 Dec 2021
Event Venue: 
Online event

The H2020 NanoSolveIT project organises a workshop on “IATA demonstration workshop for SMEs, regulators & relevant stakeholders”. Please find below the agenda and registration link.


Google Meet Link:

Registration at: demonstration-workshop-for-smes-regulators-relevant-stakeholders-7-12-2021- 1000-1300-cet/


Nanotechnology Now! - Nano Day

Event Dates: 
17 Dec 2021
Event Venue: 
Online event

The Erasmus+ project Nanotechnology Now!, in which NIA is a partner, will be holding a workshop dedicated to young people to learn more about nanotechnology and its incredible potential. The event is free and open to all.


13:00 Welcome

13:05 About Nanotechnology Now!, Nikolina Latković, Nanotechnoloy Now!

13:20 Short film: The world of nano

13:30 What is nano? Dr Sean Kelly, NIA

13:45 Society and Nano, Chiara Venturini, NIA

14:00 Nano and Public perception, Dr Blanca Suarez Merino, NIA