The 33rd annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) will be held in Dublin (with online participation also foreseen) from 30 April to 3 May 2023.
The event's overall theme will be data-driven environmental decision-making for the protection and restoration of the environment, and will cover topics such as sustainability; breaching planetary boundaries; the intersection of pollution, biodiversity and climate change; mixture toxicity assessment; and moving towards a reduced-pollution environment.
The scientific programme consists of seven tracks for parallel sessions:
- Environmental and human toxicology: from molecules to organisms, from omics to in vivo;
- Ecotoxicology becomes stress ecology: from populations to ecosystems and landscapes;
- Environmental chemistry and exposure assessment: analysis, monitoring, fate and modeling;
- Ecological and human health risk assessment of chemicals, mixtures and stressors and risk mitigation strategies;
- Life Cycle Assessment and foot-printing;
- Environmental policy, risk management, and science communication;
- Think-outside-the-box (fundamentally new concepts, innovative/controversial ideas, interdisciplinary issues).
The call for abstracts will be open until November 30, with detailed guidelines available at this link.