NIA actively supports its Members in submitting applications for regulatory authorization in various sectors; NIA has a track record in compiling the application dossier for a successful authorization of a food contact material substance in collaboration with legal representation.

NIA furthermore represents the food contact and packaging industries active in nanotechnology through a number of activities, including:

  • NIA participated in the ILSI NanoRelease Food Additive project that in 2014 published several paper in scientific journals
  • delivery of presentations at several international conferences and workshops (e.g. Food Contact Plastics – Global Regulatory Summit in May 2012),
  • acting as rapporteur to the ILSI Food Contact Material Workshop held in February 2012,
  • clarifying legal requirements in direct dialogue with the regulators (e.g. enquiry at the European Commission to clarify the regulatory status of biocidal nanomaterial products that can be used for packaging purposes).

NIA has set up a process to consult with its Members, in order to provide replies to official consultations. In the course of this process, NIA prepares a draft reply to the consultation that is shared to its Members for comments well ahead of the deadline of the consultation. The comments provided by its Members are incorporated and the final reply, supported by NIA Members, is submitted to the consultation:

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