NIA member Vireo Advisors, LLC has announced the launch of the Safer-by-Design (SbD) Toolbox, a groundbreaking resource aimed at advancing the safe development and manufacturing of cellulose nanomaterials (CNs). Funded by P3Nano, this innovative toolbox equips industry with a suite of physical, chemical, and toxicological testing methods for pre-commercial safety evaluations of novel CNs.
The SbD Toolbox also includes a comprehensive compendium of safety data on both first-generation cellulose materials, such as unmodified microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), and priority second-generation CNs with advanced surface chemistries, including sulfated, TEMPO-oxidized, and periodate-chlorite oxidized forms. Developed in collaboration with experts from the University of California, Davis, Baylor University, and the USDA Forest Products Lab, the toolbox is designed to ensure safer manufacturing processes and products.
This resource is free and openly available to stakeholders interested in promoting the safe commercialization of functionalized cellulose nanomaterials.
Access the Safer-by-Design Toolbox on Vireo’s resource page: SbD Toolbox.