NIA’s Interim Director General, Sean Kelly, recently attended the annual General Assembly for the LEARN project in which NIA participates. Sean led the partners in an exploitation planning workshop to help develop business plans for some of the key potential exploitations that are emerging from this project on air quality in schools. Using business planning techniques, such as the Lean Canvas Approach, Sean helped the partners to develop their business ideas and to stat to plan for the exploitable results that will be emerging from the project.  

Two years into the project, LEARN has seen the project making a lot of progress through its work. This year the project has started conducting its pilot studies in schools on the impact that indoor air quality has on the health and cognition of children. A project board game has been developed to help participating children learn about air quality in the classroom in a fun way. Finally, the project has been participating in the IDEAL Cluster, which brings together seven EU funded projects on indoor air quality to advise the European Commission on possible future standards.