The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is conducting a consultation to gather feedback on two key guidance documents:

  1. Guidance for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials and Materials Containing Nanoparticles in the Food Chain
  2. Guidance for Risk Assessment of Feed Additives Containing Nanoparticles

EFSA seeks input on the objectives and scope of these documents, as well as feedback on the technical and scientific issues requiring harmonisation. Stakeholders in the food and feed sectors, including manufacturers, material and ingredient suppliers, contract laboratories, industry associations, researchers, and relevant EU and international regulatory bodies, are invited to participate.

The consultation aims to ensure these guidance documents address the needs of those responsible for food and feed safety and public health. The input collected will help shape the guidance documents and will be made publicly available as supporting information once finalised.

NIA Member Input Requested
The NIA will submit a response to this consultation. Members are encouraged to provide their input to Blanca Suárez, NIA Director of Regulatory Affairs, at by 29 January 2025.

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