Blanca Suarez, the NIA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs will be attending the OECD’s Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) from 26-28th June. The WPMN covers activities around the development of Test Guidelines and Guidance Documents for nano and advanced materials. Used by regulators in all OECD member and associated states, the Test Guidelines produced through the OECD are an important part of compliance with chemical legislation. The NIA attends as part of the Business at OECD (BIAC) Delegation, and it is an opportunity for the Association to put forward our members’ views and perspectives and ensuring that the nano industry is able to operate effectively in many different countries.

Some of the discussions planned for the meeting include:

  • Advanced materials to support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
  • Updates on the work being done in the Steering Groups for Safe(r) and Sustainable Innovation Approach, Advanced Materials and Testing and Assessment.
  • Updates on various test methods and guidances including Sample Preparation and Dosimetry, Grouping of Chemicals, Release Test for Manufactured Nanomaterials and Consumer Exposure Models/Tools for Manufactured Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials

The NIA will also join the satellite workshop on 3D printing, set up as one of three case studies under the OECD SG AdMa. The aim of the group is to identify issues and priorities for safety assessment of advanced materials. This meeting takes place at the OECD 25-26th June back-to-back with the OECD WPMN and will look into sample collection and characterisation of particulate matter released during 3D printing, or exposure and dosimetry to assess risk assessment along the life cycle

Members who would like to learn more about the WPMN’s agenda and to discuss the NIA’s planned positioning at the meeting can contact Blanca directly (