NIA announces two new Member services, due to be launched in September, as part of an expanding portfolio of activities:

Nanotechnology Innovation Council:​ The Council will bring together Members for joint horizon scanning of novel and innovative technologies.  Twice yearly, Council Members will nominate high impact scientific advances in nanotechnology, from peer review publications, patents and other sources.  Participants will select those of greatest interest for presentation and discussion at an online meeting on October 11.  The Council will create a confidential report to share with NIA Members and all nominated materials will build a library for long term Member access.  The aim of the Council is to enable NIA Members to access the latest advances in nanotechnology across sectors and build collaborations around areas of common interest.

​Global Regulatory Working Group:​ NIA Members will work together in addressing the regulatory challenges across the globe.  Whether a multi-national moving materials between international sites or an SME entering a new market, regulatory barriers drive up costs and slow product development to market.  The Working Group will share experiences and target specific aspects of addressing different regulatory requirements.