On 21 July 2016, the European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment hosted a workshop in Brussels to advance the Third Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials. The session was organized by Consultants to the Commission who are under contract to complete four tasks:

  1. Compilation information and projection of trends of man-made nanomaterials (100) in the environment
  2. Progress review on implementation of environmental legislation to nanomaterials with case study
  3. Prospective review regarding implementation of advanced materials
  4. Workshop to present and review the results

NIA has drafted a meeting report, Support for 3rd regulatory review on nanomaterials – environmental legislationwhich provides a concise summary of the workshop and the report presented by the Consultants as well as questions for Members to guide NIA's response.

NIA Members are invited to read and comment on the document in ANNEX A1, as well as to provide input to the questions set out by the Consultants in ANNEX A2, of the present document.

Please send comments to to Guillaume.Flament@Nanotechia.org by 12 July 2016, 12.00 CET.