Event Dates: 
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 - 09:00 to 17:00
Event Venue: 

A workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 16 in Brussels,  where experts from industries will meet with ECHA to discuss issues in relation to the definition of ‘nanoform' and 'set of similar nanoforms' in the modified REACH Annex VI.

The meeting will be an opportunity for industry experts to discuss and present possible issues and experiences from an industry side to work with the regulatory definition of nanoforms in REACH that will enter into force in January 2020. 

The participants will be presented with a background paper highlighting some of the potential practical issues that can arise for nanoforms. 

The number of participants to the meeting is member-only and limited. Participants are expected to have knowledge of the recently adopted REACH nano modifications as well as current ECHA guidance documents. 

The workshop is jointly organised between CEFIC and NIA.